Or technically converge, or are contiguous and congruent, even simultaneous. We might even apply the term “multiverse,” to our scenario.
Before proceeding, however, we might revisit our triangular model of Figure 1.1, and consider its relevance to a discussion of media, 4D “art,” and the many factors and applications, etc., we have noted, linked or traced in the intervening sections. Rather than attempt to represent through recursion, in some ham-fisted action, the structure and dynamics of the exponentially more complex phenomenon we are mapping,

we can try to pinpoint a particular component present throughout: the Machine.
In the next stage or phase of our discussion, we will address the mechanization of art, vision and humanity. The phenomenon is comprehensive and pervasive, not to mention critical. We are not only questioning the machining of Vision (and imagination), but the consequences of not socially prioritizing* the evolution of optical technology, with an eye on applications. We are assuming it is better to proceed