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Catastrophe, or the “accidental spectacle” (although the actual catastrophic event may be systematically rational, a perfectly logical outcome of given system mechanics and/or dynamics). The Third we might term an imaginary, fictional or quasi-fictional spectacle, or for the sake of concision, the “virtual spectacle.” To begin, we need not limit our focus on spectacle unnecessarily. To that end, we might point to general features, such as the presence of creation and/or creativity in all forms of spectacle.

The designed spectacle “creates” history, plus* a subsequent narrative opportunity. The value to Civilization of this kind of spectacle should be obvious. It is possible to suggest that spectacle design, especially in 4 Dimensional applications, is a kind of (immaterial) sculptural form, in that designed spectacle can shape/script perception of Civilization for civilians, utilizing visible (material) means and components, while simultaneously proposing or proscribing an attached meaning (immaterial). Therefore, the designed spectacle is a phenomenological hybrid. **

The catastrophe is a perceptual bridge connecting humanity to a dangerous (for humans) Cosmos, Nature and “environment.” The “accidental spectacle”

* Or “as”

** (Without substantial comment) consider Wagner’s Ring Cycle