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Is blurring almost to the point of meaninglessness (amorality), as everything from cameras to software, configured in overarching network schema, collapse into informatics regimes. In the architecture of this actual/virtual array, we have “us.” What role do we, individually and collectively, play in determining how, when and why we might participate in the emergent Civilization, which is substantively enabled by optical technology?

We might ask “should” questions right now _ which is the purview of philosophy, or can be. Art, on the other hand, can be very helpful in mapping the territories of vision and optics, and their treacherous borders, from the standpoint of Spirit. Even if that visionary art returns us to the prehistorical awareness that does not differentiate mind-body-spirit (society),* as compartments. To survive spectacle, humanity will need vision, as always. We might start by asking “What are our ‘blindspots.’”


Rudimentary admissions for our platform of thinking about vision are important. First, we must acknowledge that vision

*Time being the “only” object, and no hierarchy of finite expressions of infinite “time,” or Heidegger’s “true (4D) time”