...With R, being an original model, R2 being a dataset containing all possible iterations of R1, and R3 containing or indicating (representing) all possible relational quantities and qualities pertaining and connecting to R1, in time (effects, associations, contingencies, perspectives, meanings, values, histories, techniques, modes, metrics, analyses, applications, causalities, and so on). Then:*
...Figure 1.8 demonstrates the generational complexities of our project R1>R4. The derivative project naturally can be serialized infinitely, with each plane, intersection point, derivative shape (obverse, and so on)... affording the user the opportunity to add layers of supplementals, ad infinitum.
The “imaginary” quality of the project (derived from a simple model) might lead one to believe that the program outlined above has no relevance “in the real world.” Not true. Take, for example, the NSA project, “Total Information